This article is a load of rubbish. The only way Burka Loo is going is if she is disappeared in to a bog hole in deepest Leitrim. The Shinners have made their woke bed. They can now lie I. It with the people before profit nutters.

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She stays as head in the South but Michelle O'Neill takes over as party president?

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Could you cover them with the same burka?

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I think we've seen our last burka.

And not a lot of Pride stuff out of them this month either.

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They had their chance in 2020. They were the official opposition in the Dail and we the people needed that opposition and what did the bastards do? They stabbed us in the back. They insisted on hasher lockdowns and quicker poison jabs and the " health passport" or Nazi pass papers as they became known as. They sided up to their globalist masters and became globalist puppets in the process.

They changed their slogan from Brits out to Everyone else in.

Macdonald is a disgrace and clearly hates us the ordinary Irish person.

We need to throw her and her globalist buddies on the scrapheap of history where they belong.

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Can't argue with any of that. But if SF show up with an anti immigration message they have the ability to lead the public on it.

And what we think of SF and their previous positions on lockdowns and woke won't matter.

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Not in agreement with any of this at all.

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Fair enough. Always happy to learn where I'm wrong. Fill me in. I never learned anything yet by being right.

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Jo writes these so I don't have to. Therefore I'm a big fan.

Also, he writes them much better than I ever could.

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You're embarrassing me now.

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Good luck 🍀.

We’re having a Geroncratic Geriatric cage match 🇺🇸 ourselves Thursday evening, at least you have something real..

Speaking of real; about 🇺🇸 America. DC the Capitol itself is going. They’re not wrong that Trump is the end, although Trump is no conqueror, indeed he still thinks Life is what we were taught in school, a Norman Rockwell painting gone awry.

If Trump can knock you over, anyone can. DC is finished.

If you don’t believe me, tune in Thursday evening… your Friday 0100 GMT.

The point; all our International Institutions go with DC, especially The Dollar ™️.

Also NATO of course.

There’s no fighting American military right now, I’m a 20+ year recently Retired Reserve Veteran.

(I’m subject to recall).

So they’ll be an opportunity to free yourselves, as far as;

“We Ourselves.” (Sinn Fein)

Congratulations, it’s coming true like it or not, ready or not.

Be yourselves, cuz it’s all you got.

Life is like that…

We out. We already out.

Ain’t nobody standing there…

Not 🇺🇸

Not us ourselves…

Not even Provisionally… 😉

You little minx you…

You know exactly what 🔥 ye play with…

Sad truth it’s that or perish.

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